Hello All! Check out CSSA’s webinar program with Rod Haenni who will present a program entitled, “Secrets of Success with Cacti/Succulents in Cold Climates. Following the program, NTCSS will have a social meeting to discuss the presentation and other cacti related things. Please keep in mind you must register at the provided link prior to attending the webinar.
Rod’s bio is as follows:
My passion for cacti and succulents that could thrive in a cold climate began 42 years ago when I traveled the Colorado Plateau and the Southwest desert as a minerals geologist, looking for uranium deposits. Cacti, yuccas,and agaves were commonly seen in my travels and I wondered what I could grow in Denver. Today, I grow thousands of plants outdoors and in the lightly heated conservatory of my one acre microclimate – based succulent gardens . I have traveled the world to see what exotic cacti and succulents might be hardy in Patagonia, South Africa , and from European collections. I am an adventurous seed grower and utilize a wide network of other growers, nurseries and seed brokers, always expanding my search for new cold-tolerant succulents.
Webinar Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_FrZgQ8GeS7Sn1o56XcCrwA