Articles Written By: Bronwyn Tyack

Dec 3: Holiday Party

Hello fellow members of NTCSS

As many of you know, the first meeting in December is when we have our annual holiday party. This year our meeting will be on Tuesday, 12/3 at 7 p.m.

We typically do a Secret Santa gift exchange. If you would like to participate, please bring a wrapped gift with you.

  • No live plants / seeds as gifts
  • May be cactus themed but not required (last year’s most stolen gift was a toaster oven!)
  • Spending limit of around $25

We hope to see you there! Happy Holidays!

November 5th: Plant Swap

Our meeting as per usual will be at the Arboretum at 7PM This month’s meeting is our annual plant swap, please bring an established plant to our meeting that you would like to swap with a fellow member. There are usually plenty of plants to go around so you may also want to bring a box to help carry everything.

We hope to see you all at the meeting this week.

October 1st: Greenhouse Tour

Hi All!

As a reminder this months meeting will not be held at the arboretum. instead we will be touring the greenhouse, nursery and collection of Aaron Thomas. RSVP information was sent via email to the member email list.

This coming November we will be having out annual plant swap so be sure to start preparing your plants! See you soon!

September 3rd: Cactus Club

Hi All! Our next Cactus Club meeting will be September 3rd at 7:00PM at the Arboretum. This month we will be showcasing South American plants like Rebutia, Lobivia, Matucana, and Frailea.

Also feel free to bring any plants you need help identifying.

We hope to see you there!

Aug 6th: Cactus Club Meeting

Hi All! Our next Cactus Club meeting will be August 6th at 7:00PM at the Arboretum. This month we will be showcasing Euphorbia, Rhipsalis, Epiphyllum. Also feel free to bring any plants you need help identifying.

We hope to see you there!

July 2nd: Cactus Club Meeting

Hi All! Our next Cactus Club meeting will be July 2nd at 7:00PM at the Arboretum. This month we will be showcasing Variegated, Monstrose, Crested, and Weird Plants. Also feel free to bring any plants you need help identifying.

We hope to see you there!

June 4th: Cactus Club Meeting

Hi All! Our next Cactus Club meeting will be June 4th at 7:00PM at the Arboretum. This month we will be showcasing Echinocereus, Parodia and Notocactus. Irwin Lightstone is also going to be presenting on Haworthia.

Feel free to bring any plants you need help identifying and we hope to see you there!

April 2nd: Cactus Club Meeting

Hi All! Our next Cactus Club meeting will be April 2nd at 7:00PM at the Arboretum. This month we will be showcasing Astrophytum, Mammillaria, Cylindropuntia, Opuntia. Also feel free to bring any plants you need help identifying.

We hope to see you there!

March 5th: Cactus Club Meeting

Hi All! Our next Cactus Club meeting will be March 5th at 7:00PM at the Arboretum. This month we will be showcasing Aloe, Gasteraloe, Haworthia, and Gasteria. Also feel free to bring any plants you need help identifying

We hope to see you there!

Feb 6th: Cactus Club Meeting

Hi All! Our next Cactus Club meeting will be February 6th at 7:00PM at the Arboretum. This month we will be showcasing our winter growing cactus and succulents to please bring your plants that thrive in the cold.. Also feel free to bring any plants you need help identifying.

We hope to see you there!