Join us 12PM on May 1st for another CSSA webinar!

Program: Matt Opel: Cape Geophytes: Remarkable Bulbs, Tubers and Corms from Southern Africa

The Cape region of South Africa is home to one of the most diverse and distinctive floras in the world, including a large number of geophytes: plants that grow from underground buds, and have subterranean storage organs such as bulbs or tubers that persist through times when conditions are unfavorable for growth. University of Connecticut botanist Matthew Opel will introduce a selection of species in important groups of Cape geophytes, concentrating on plants from arid areas or with succulent leaves. He will discuss the unusual growth forms and ecological adaptations of these plants, and include information on their cultivation.

Register in advance though the link below to participate.
Posted in: News.
Last Modified: April 26, 2021